Landlords must repair or replace any smoke and carbon monoxide alarms as soon as their tenant reports a problem, under amended rules taking effect tomorrow (1st October).
They are currently responsible for installing and testing alarms at the start of the tenancy – with tenants tasked with repairing or replacing them – but under the Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm regulations, landlords will take over responsibility, although they will still rely on tenants to report issues.
The regulations require at least one smoke alarm on each storey of the home that has a room used as living accommodation and for a carbon monoxide alarm in any room that contains a fixed combustion appliance (such as log-burning stoves or gas or oil boilers but excluding gas cookers) and which is used as living accommodation.
All alarms must comply with British Standards BS 5839-6 (smoke alarms) and British Standards BS 50291 (carbon monoxide alarms). The government advises that for a battery-powered alarm, tenants should replace the batteries themselves but if it still doesn’t work, or a tenant can’t replace the batteries, they should report it to the landlord.
“Landlords should be aware of their changing responsibilities,” warns Jonathan Daines (pictured), CEO at
“While the majority will already have compliant smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, they may not realise the additional requirement to repair and replace these during the tenancy. These changes may seem small versus other legislation in the pipeline, but it’s more important than ever for landlords to be clued-up on all their legal obligations.”
Landlords must continue to make sure that alarms work on the first day of a tenancy and keep a record. Local councils will enforce the rules and can fine failing landlords up to £5,000.
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