Two largest of Britain’s landlords’ associations announce merger

Breaking News:

The RLA and NLA are joining forces to form the National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA); together they will represent over 80,000 landlords. The result is an organisation with immensely increased fire-power when influencing parliament, much needed at a time of unprecedented change within the industry.

The Chairs of the Residential Landlords Association (RLA) and the National Landlords Association(NLA) have said, “We are very pleased to announce that after more than 20 years of friendly competition we believe that the time is right to create a single organisation for private landlords.”

The new Association, with a membership of more than 80,000 landlords, is by far the largest organisation in the private rented sector (PRS). Its members will own and manage half a million properties, about 10% of the PRS.

The NRLA will serve landlords in England Wales and will have a regional structure.

The extra resources will enable the new body to increase support for landlords helping them to manage their properties and provide enhanced standards for tenants. They say they will be stronger together when presenting a unified voice to government both nationally and locally.

The merger is endorsed by the boards of both organisations and will be put to a vote of their respective members in September.  The new Association is planned to launch officially on 1st January 2020.

In the meantime, both the RLA and NLA will continue to operate as now although we will be working to align our policy and campaign work.

Sean Hooker (PRS – Head of Redress) said:

“Congratulations to the NLA and RLA on their engagement and forthcoming marriage. NRLA will be a powerful voice for landlords and will raise standards and professionalism in the sector. Hamilton Fraser is look forward to working with the new organisation to make this merger a success.”

Eddie Hooker (Hamilton Fraser – CEO) said:

“We at Hamilton Fraser Group very much welcome this announcement from these two hugely respected bodies. Having worked with the NLA for twenty years including a successful collaboration on mydeposits and also having developed a strong relationship with the RLA, I know the value of working together and the need for joined up thinking. The rental sector and individual landlords face huge challenges but also opportunities in the near future and this new organisation will be in a great positon to ensure a healthy and successful sector.”

Paul Shamplina (Landlord Action – Founder and Brand Ambassador) said:

“So many landlords I know really appreciate the value of both these organisations and indeed some have even joined both organisations! The new NRLA will provide a united voice and a real focus for the needs of the private renting to build a vibrant and respected sector that serves both landlords and their tenants.”

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